CRM Implementation & Customization

CRM Implementation & Customization

My Experience

I have customized and implemented multiple CRMs for multiple companies. Along with implementation, I trained users on best practices of how to use the CRM software and why. I showed them how a CRM can help improve their sales by making the salesperson more organized, productive, and proactive in their actions and tasks. This led to increased user adoption which improved overall accuracy and quantity of data.

I have worked with:

Currently, I am working with the Salesforce CRM platform.

As a side project, I am building my own CRM web application to better understand CRM data relationships.

Why I Enjoy Working with CRMs

I believe a CRM system is an important part of any business. With Specialty Contractors in the Oil & Gas Industry, a CRM sheds light on what opportunities and projects salespeople are going after and assists the business in quantifying their sales efforts. A CRM system can also aid in forecasting possible revenue, work, and business needs including the need to grow to accommodate upcoming work.

I enjoy analyzing the data that is generated by CRMs and providing insights to the Sales Team, Upper Management, and Estimating. Analyzing data involves querying, cleaning, organizing, and visualizing the data for reports.

When I am working on any aspect of a CRM system (implementing, developing, customizing, analyzing data, or supporting sales team users), I feel as if I am partially improving the company and its revenue by helping the sales team utilize tools and data that helps them succeed.

What is a CRM?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is software used to manage a company's customer and potential customer relationships and interactions. In my experience, CRMs were used by sales people to organize and track their opportunities and tasks. It showed what the sales people are working on, and it helped them stay organized and on task. Gives upper management a way to see what the sales group was doing. Helped provide dollar amounts of potential upcoming work that can be reported to CEO or bank.

But if you were to ask, they have a different answer. CRM to them is more focused on interactions with the customer at all levels, not just the sales team. is expanding to encompass the whole company and help knock down multiple silos.

Contact Me About CRM Consulting / Customization

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