The Brock Group Intranet Website

The Brock Group Intranet Website

The client wanted an internal website that matched their current external website and hosted their internal news posts and company specific logos, files, department websites, and web applications.

Along with the intranet site, I built a content management system to make adding news stories easier on the marketing department and me. The marketing department could upload their image and story through the website. The story would not go live until the date they specified.

This site was developed using ASP.NET, C#, Microsoft SQL Server, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Website content was created by the marketing director, multiple marketing associates, and me.

Client: The Brock Group
Website: (An Intranet employees only have access to.)
Framework: ASP.NET MVC
Programming: C#, Microsoft SQL Server, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, and CSS
Service: Web Development, Web Design, Responsive Design

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