Blind Specialist's Website

Blind Specialist's Vice President came to me requesting a new responsive website that reflected their current and new products better (their old site was not responsive or mobile-friendly). They also wanted to improve their SEO to rank higher in internet searches.

I met with the President, Vice President, General Manager, and others inside Blind Specialist multiple times to discuss what they wanted on the new website. Each person played a specific part in adding to the website. Some took pictures, and others helped with copy or proofreading.

After receiving most of the content from Blind Specialist, I began creating a mock-up of the site and touching up photos using Photoshop. Following the mock-up approval, I built the site. Each time I completed a section, I sent a link to the Vice President for approval.

This website consisted of 14 pages with 23+ pictures, one video, and a lot of copy. LaBouve Marketing, multiple Blind Specialist employees, a contracted photographer, and I took pictures. LaBouve Marketing shot and edited the video. Multiple employees of all levels created the copy.

After I completed the site, I optimized it for search engines (see screenshot below for proof). Then I deployed the site.

The new Blind Specialist site ranks higher in search engines, showcases more products, receives more traffic, and receives more requests for quotes (via the email form on the site).

Client: Blind Specialist, LLC
Platform: WordPress
Programming: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Service: Web Development, Web Design, WordPress, Marketing, SEO, Copy

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