Bid Log Web Application (GCF & GCE)

Bid Log Web Application (GCF & GCE)

Gulf Coast Fabricators and Gulf Coast Exchangers wanted a way better way to track the bids they send out to customers. Previously, they were tracking bids using their individual emails and paper print outs housed in a drawer.

They asked me to build a bid log tracking system for them. I built one off the previous experience I had of building another company’s bid log. I tailored this bid log for GCF and GCE to their businesses and employees. I made it simple and easy to use to help with user adoption.

This web application helped GCF and GCE stay organized, keep track of due dates, and gave them data that they could analyze and gain insights from. They now have quantifiable win/loss ratios, past data to budget and forecast from, and current data to schedule/plan work and shop headcount from.

It was built on the ASP.NET MVC platform using ASP.NET, MVC, C#, Microsoft SQL Server, jQuery, HTML, and CCS. Extra form validation was created by me for this Web Application via jQuery, C#, and MVC Data Notations to help users put in correct data. Built for functionality, user interface, and ease of use.

Client: Gulf Coast Fabricatiors & Gulf Coast Exchanger
Website: (Intranet site)
Framework: ASP.NET
Programming: C#, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS
Service: Web Development, Database Application, User Interface, Ease of Use

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