Bid Log Web Application (Brock)

Bid Log Web Application (Brock)

I worked with multiple Subject Matter Experts and the CIO to complete this project. Under the direction of the Senior Vice President of Business Development, we built Brock's Bid Log, a web application to track and manage bids across all of Brock companies.

The Bid Log Web Application was built for and used by all Brock Companies (including all 5 regions, Brock's Union side, Brock Canada, and Brock Latin America). There were over 130 unique estimators who used it at a given time.

The application also had custom reporting built for it. Designated users from each Brock company could log in and pull reports whenever they needed or wanted.

Each company used the Bid Log to see what work was coming down the line, internal communication, and budget forecasting. Upper Management used the Bid Log reports for forecasting future revenues, reporting to the bank / owners / board, and to manage the business.

The Bid Log Web Application emailed estimators a copy of the bid they entered or updated. This Web Application was built on the ASP.NET platform using C#, Razor, Microsoft SQL Server, JQuery, HTML, and CSS. Extra form validation was added using JQuery to help users enter correct data into the appliction. Built for functionality and ease of use.

Client: The Brock Group
Website: (An Intranet employees only have access to.)
Framework: ASP.NET
Programming: C#, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS
Service: Web Development, Web Design, Custom Web Application Development, Custom Reporting

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