Admiral Field Services Website

Admiral Field Services came to me requesting another full site redesign (I did their last redesign in 2017).

I worked with the Vice President of Admiral on this project. He drew out what he wanted (on paper) and I mocked it up in Adobe XD. We emailed back and forth, discussing content, colors, layout, and etc. until we had it how he wanted.

After he signed off on the design, I started building the site.

Each time I finished a section of the website, I sent him a link to view and asked for another sign-off. This ensured he received the website he envisioned.

When I finished building the website and every page was signed off on, I deployed the site. I like how this site turned out.

This website was built using PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Gulp.js, and Bootstrap 4.

Client: Admiral Field Services, LLC
Programming: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Gulp.js, and Bootstrap 4
Service: Web Development, Web Design, Marketing, SEO, Responsive Design, Full Screen Design, Copy

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